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Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Writing & Books: Badass Bitches and their Badass Books

I love, love, love autobiographies. It fulfills that creepy part of me that wants to peek in all of my neighbour's windows while they sleep and look in people's bathroom drawers at dinner parties. I especially love books written by women I admire. They inspire me, make me think a little harder about my goals in life and what I want to do. If you still haven't found a gift for a cool gal or guy in your life, stop by your local bookstore and pick one (or all) of the following titles up.  But seriously, just get these for yourself. GIFT YOURSELF. Do it all the time and then every day is Christmas and then every day is AWESOME! They can also be ordered online at most major retailers, such as Indigo, Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Check it!

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
By yo girl Mindy Kaling

Mindy actually makes my heart dance and sing Broadway show tunes. She is HILARIOUS and so is her book. She addresses the insecurity that hugs the edges of teen-dom so eloquently and yet gently, with great hilarity. She also discusses other great topics like her childhood and working her way through her babysitting  client's pizza.

By Tina Fey

If I was into sketch comedy and improv (and I like to think I would be if I had any relatable sense of humour), Tina would be one of my idols. She is unflinchingly direct in this book, detailing her experiences in a straight up, tell it to your face, kinda way. I once watched this bit she did with Amy Poehler, where she made a vagina with her palms and talked through it. I nearly peed myself!

Yes Please
By Amy Poehler

Recently released, I received this book for Christmas from a sweet pal of mine. It's funny without being indulgently self deprecating, inspiring and slickly packaged in smooth paper with funny pictures of Amy in various wigs and beards. So good. She gives insights to life working on SNL, the startup of the Upright Citizens Brigade and how damn hard it is to make it in comedy, especially as a women. 

By Sophia Amoruse 

Admittedly, I haven't yet read this one, but it's on my list. It's the story of how Sophia rose from life on the streets to become the founder and CEO of the kickass clothing brand Nasty Gal. If her clothing is any indication, this book is going to be totally mind blowing. 

Just Kids
By Patti Smith

This is an elegantly written memoir that details Patti's relationship with the artist Robert Mapplethorpe. It's beautifully written, to say the least. I read this book on the PEI beach a few years back, when I was 14 I think, and I distinctly remember stopping for a few minutes and just breathing. It's one of those books I will carry with me when I move out of my family home and forward in my life. I highly recommend it. 

I hope you get a chance to read this books, and all the many others written by inspiring women (and men) out there today. Happy holidays all! 
