small blog about nice things
vegan, adventurer, lover of chai lattes and winona ryder
You can expect: book reviews, diy tutorials, photos, complaints about the world, and much more

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Transitioning to HCLF Veganism

Hey guys!

Cami and I are in the midst (me more than Cam really, she was already pretty much there) of transitioning from regular ole vegan to the high carb low fat lifestyle. We'd heard a lot about it for a while and eventually decided to give it a go. We'll keep you updated on how it goes for us, our thoughts, our experience, etc. But for now, just thought we'd give you a heads up.

So far, we've both been doing pretty well. Cami is really working to cut out all overt fats in her diet to help deal with her cystic acne (she'll post about that soon), while I'm sticking to minimum plant based fats and avoiding added oils and salts when possible. If you're wondering what the hell high carb low fat veganism is, don't worry. We'll be writing all about it soon enough!

ALSO - we're going to start making videos!! Exciting, am I right? We'll post them here and on Cami's Youtube account. We'll let you know when those go up.

We've missed posting on here and are excited to be back, though I'm sure that with exams looming, we might not be as frequent posters as we'd like. We'll do our best!

Happy summer!!

C + K

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